makani number

What is Makani Number? And How Does it Work? A Detailed Guide

The Makani Number is a unique identification 10 digit number, that plays a crucial role in various sectors, particularly in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This alphanumeric code, akin to a postal address, is assigned to buildings and properties, providing a precise location reference.

The word “Makani” itself translates to “My Location” in Arabic, reflecting its core function. Each Number corresponds to a specific entrance or location within the building, helping to navigate large complexes with ease.

In 2015, it was launched by the Dubai Municipality, the Makani Number system has expanded across the UAE, also in ras al khaimah and umm al quwain, becoming an integral part of the nation’s infrastructure and services. It’s can be used widely by emergency services, delivery companies, and even for event management, streamlining operations and enhancing efficiency. It is the official geographic addressing system.

In this guide, we will delve deeper into the What is Makani Number system, exploring its origins, how it works, its benefits, and its applications across different sectors. Understanding this is not only valuable for those residing or operating in the UAE but also offers insights into the innovative approaches to the location-based services globally.

How Makani Number Works

The Makani Number system functions as a digital address for buildings and properties, designed to simplify the location identification. Each 10 digit number is unique, comprising a combination of numbers and letters that correspond to a specific entrance or location within a building. For example, a Makani Number for a residential building might be “1234 5678 90” where each set of numbers represents a different aspect of the address, such as the building number, floor, and apartment number.

To generate a Makani Number, you can use advanced geocoding techniques that convert physical addresses into digital coordinates. These coordinates are then transformed into the alphanumeric code that makes up the Number. This process ensures that each location has a distinct Makani Number, facilitating easy navigation and identification.

In addition to the basic structure, Makani Numbers can include variations or additional features to provide more detailed information. For instance, in larger buildings or complexes, this 10 digit makani number may include specific details like floor numbers or entrances to pinpoint the exact location within the property.

As this system continues to evolve, you can expect new features and enhancements to be introduced to improve accuracy and usability, making it an indispensable tool for location-based services in the UAE and beyond.

Benefits of Makani Number

Efficiency and Convenience

The Makani Number system streamlines navigation and address identification, saving time and effort for individuals and businesses.

It provides a simple and reliable way to communicate locations, reducing confusion and improving overall efficiency.

Enhanced Accuracy

By providing a unique identifier for each location, this system helps to eliminate errors associated with traditional address systems.

This enhanced accuracy is particularly beneficial for emergency services and delivery companies, ensuring that they reach the correct location quickly and efficiently.

Improved Emergency Response

Makani Numbers are integrated into emergency response systems, enabling faster and more accurate dispatch of emergency services.

This can be crucial in life-threatening situations where every second counts.


It is accessible through various platforms, including the Makani app and website, making it easy for anyone to use. The app is easy to use and anyone can access it anytime online or offline.

This accessibility enhances the overall usability of the system, allowing for seamless integration into daily life and business operations.

Continuous Improvement

It is constantly evolving with new features and enhancements to improve accuracy and usability, ensuring its relevance in an ever-changing technological landscape.

How you can Locate the Makani Number in Dubai

Makani Mobile Application

Pic Credit: behance

Locating Makani numbers online

Locating a Makani Number is a straightforward process that can be done using various methods. One of the easiest ways is to use the makani app on mobile, available for both Android and iOS devices. The app allows users to search for a specific location or browse on the map to find the nearby Makani Numbers. 

Additionally, the Dubai Municipality website provides a search feature where you can enter an address to find the corresponding Makani Number.

How to locate Maknai numbers offline

Another way to locate the 10 digit Makani Number is to look for the blue and white Makani signs that are placed at the entrance of the buildings and at the entrance of the each of properties across the UAE. These signs display the Makani Number for easy identification. 

For those without access to the makani app or website, asking local residents or businesses for the Makani Number is also a viable option. Overall, locating it is a simple process that can be done quickly and easily using the available tools and resources.

Why do You Need Makani Number in Dubai

You can use it for several reasons:


You can use Makani Numbers, it provide a precise and standardized way to locate buildings and properties, making navigation easier for residents, visitors, and service providers.

Delivery Services

Delivery companies use Makani Numbers to accurately locate delivery addresses, ensuring that packages are delivered to the correct location on the map.

Emergency Services

You can use Makani Numbers to quickly locate and respond to incidents, improving their efficiency and response times.

Government Services

Government agencies use Makani Numbers for various services, such as issuing permits, licenses, and conducting inspections.

Urban Planning

You can use Makani Numbers to analyze and manage urban development, infrastructure, and services.

Makani Number vs. Other Systems

The Makani Number system offers several advantages over traditional addressing system and other location identification methods. Unlike traditional addresses, which can be lengthy and prone to errors, Makani Numbers provide a concise and accurate way to pinpoint locations. Additionally, Makani Numbers are unique to each entrance or location within a building, whereas traditional addresses may not be as specific.

Compared to GPS coordinates, Makani Numbers are easier to communicate and remember, making them more user-friendly for everyday applications. Moreover, Makani Numbers are integrated into various services and systems in the UAE, such as emergency services and delivery companies, enhancing their overall utility and convenience.


In conclusion, the Makani Number system has revolutionized location identification in the UAE, offering a simple yet effective solution for the official geographic addressing system and navigation. Its unique alphanumeric codes provide a precise way to pinpoint locations, improving efficiency and accuracy in various sectors. The system’s integration into emergency services and other critical functions highlights its importance in ensuring the safety and well-being of residents and visitors.

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