How to register ejari online

How to Register Ejari Online: A Complete Guide

If you’re renting a place in Dubai, you’ve probably heard about this thing called “Ejari.” It’s basically a fancy term for registering your tenancy contract. Now, instead of going through the hassle of doing it offline, the good news is you can actually get it done online.

In this guide, we’re going to break down the steps for you in a simple way. Whether you’re the one renting or the one owning the place, knowing how to register your Ejari online is like giving your rental deal a digital stamp of approval, making everything legit and hassle-free. So, let’s dive in and make this process a breeze!

What is the Ejari?

Ejari is a system in Dubai that handles the registration of lease and tenancy contracts for properties. 

The word “Ejari” itself means “My Rent” in Arabic. 

This initiative by the Dubai Land Department ensures that all tenancy contracts are officially registered, promoting transparency and legal compliance in the real estate services.

The Ejari registration process is designed to provide a clear framework for both landlords and tenants, facilitating dispute resolution and creating a more secure rental environment. With the convenience of online registration, an individual can easily comply with the Ejari system requirements and contribute to a well-regulated rental system in Dubai.

Ejari online registration

Is Ejari Mandatory?

Yes, it is! It’s like wearing a seatbelt in a car – it keeps you safe. 

The government in Dubai wants to make sure that when people rent homes, everything is done properly and fairly. 

Ejari contract helps with that by making sure your rental agreement follows all of the rules.

Why Do You Need Ejari?

Imagine you’re playing a game with your friend, and you both agree on some rules before starting. Ejari is like those rules for renting a home. It makes sure everyone knows what they’re supposed to do and protects both you and the landlord.

Here’s why you need Ejari:

    • Legal and Fair Agreements: Ejari makes sure your rental agreement is legal and fair for both you and the landlord.

    • Protection from Unfair Changes: If your landlord suddenly wants to increase the rent too much, Ejari helps you fight against that.

    • Getting Important Services: To get things like water, electricity, and internet, you need to show your Ejari agreement.

    • Resolving Disputes: If you and your landlord ever have a problem, Ejari helps you solve it in a fair way.


What are the Advantages of the Ejari System?

The Ejari system offers several benefits:

Information Accessibility: The Ejari system provides easy access to vital information. As a tenant, you can conduct background checks on both the property owner and the premises through Ejari. This enables you to make informed decisions before committing to a rental agreement.

Fraud Prevention: With Ejari, there’s no room for manipulation or deception with documents. It ensures the integrity of the tenancy contract, preventing any tampering or falsification. This safeguard becomes particularly crucial in case of disputes or disagreements down the line.

Combatting Unlawful Practices: The Ejari system plays a significant role in curbing unlawful housing arrangements and unethical practices in the real estate sector. It acts as a deterrent against exploitative dealings and ensures fairness and transparency in property transactions.

Promoting Harmonious Relationships: By formalizing rental agreements and ensuring compliance with regulations, Ejari fosters harmonious relationships between landlords and tenants. Both parties can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their rights and obligations are clearly outlined and legally recognized.

signing Ejari rental agreement

How to Register Ejari Online: Step by Step

Registering Ejari online is a straightforward process that streamlines your rental journey in Dubai. With the following simple steps, you can efficiently register Ejari online, providing you with peace of mind and legal protection throughout your tenancy in Dubai.

1. Create Your Account

Go to the official Ejari website and make your account. Enter the details needed.

2. Gather the Required Documents

The required documents are needed to register Ejari online. Collect things like your

    • Landlord’s passport

    • Tenant’s Emirates ID

    • Security deposit receipt

    • Deed showing ownership of the rented property

    • Original rental agreement

    • Trade license (for commercial properties)

      Additionally, it’s a good idea to ask your real estate agent if they need any extra papers for online registration. These might include:

    • The original unified tenancy contract

    • The applicant’s Emirates ID

    • For assigned power of attorney cases in Dubai, you’ll need the power of attorney number (no need to attach it)

    • For power of attorney cases issued outside Dubai, you’ll need to attach the power of attorney document. 


3. Fill the Form

Once you have your papers, it’s time to fill in a form on the Ejari website. Details include the following– name, age, and where you live. Don’t forget to attach the important papers you collected!

4. Send Your Form

Click the send button, and your form will fly through the internet to the Ejari team. They’ll check everything and make sure it’s all correct.

5. Wait for the Email

The Ejari team will review your request and details, and soon you’ll get an email saying everything is good to go!

6. Pay the Fee of the Ejari Registration

Well, registering Ejari has a small fee. You can pay it online via the credit card or another payment method.

7. Get Your Ejari Certificate Ready

Once you’ve done everything, you’ll receive a special Ejari certificate. 

Ejari Cancellation Method

When to Cancel Ejari: If you’re ready to rent in a different place, your landlord should cancel Ejari for you. Remember, each property can only have one Ejari at a time.

Cancellation Process: The cancellation process involves getting a No-Objection Certificate (NOC) or a cancellation letter from your landlord. You can either visit an Ejari office or fill out the online form of the cancellation.

Cancellation Cost: Canceling Ejari costs a small fee, around AED 30.


Additional Tips and Tricks: Mastering the Matter of Ejari

Ejari for Different Transactions: Ejari isn’t just for renting; it’s your all-in-one pass for various transactions. Need a residence visa, new utilities, or a commercial license? Ejari has you covered!

Ejari Desk Timings: If you ever need to visit an Ejari center in Dubai, be aware of their working hours – 08:00 am to 08:00 pm, but on Fridays 09:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Contacting the Ejari Support: Got questions or need assistance? Dial +971-800-4488 to connect with the Ejari team at Dubai Land Department. They’re there to guide you through the renting process.

Also Truss Real Estate Experts are also available to help you throughout the renting process and real estate services


Ejari isn’t just a formality; it’s Dubai’s way of ensuring fair and secure renting. Like a seatbelt, it keeps both tenants and landlords safe. By mandating Ejari, the government promotes transparency and protects against unfair practices.

Registering Ejari online is super easy, offering peace of mind and legal protection throughout your tenancy. It’s your ticket to hassle-free renting, providing clarity and confidence in the process.

Remember, Ejari isn’t alone in this journey. The Ejari team and Truss Real Estate Experts are ready to assist, making sure your renting experience is smooth and straightforward.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How Do I Renew Ejari Online?

Renewing your Ejari online through the DLD website:

    • Sign in to the DLD website using your Emirates ID.
    • Upload the required documents.
    • Pay the renewal fees using Noqodi or a credit/debit card.
    • Submit your application.
    • Wait for a representative to review and verify your information.

Once approved, you’ll get your new Ejari certificate, fee receipt, and lease agreement via email.

Renewing Ejari using a smartphone app (Dubai REST/Dubai Now):

    • Open the Dubai REST or DubaiNow app.
    • Choose RERA and select ‘Register Ejari Contract’.
    • Fill in the required information and upload the required documents.
    • Pay the fees online.
    • Wait for approval and receive your renewed Ejari documents electronically.

Ejari Renewal Fees:

    • The Ejari renewal fee is AED 155, excluding VAT, with an additional cost of around AED 20 for Knowledge and Innovation.
    • If you renew your tenancy contract at a Real Estate Services Trustee office, the total cost is AED 219.75, including VAT.

2. Can I Cancel Ejari?

Yes! But some certain Terms and conditions apply.

3. How Much Does Ejari Cost?

The cost is around AED 120, but if you use a special service center, there might be a little extra to use.

4. What is the Dubai REST app?

It offers a comprehensive digital platform designed to facilitate various real estate tasks for property owners, tenants, and other relevant service providers.

5. What is the Tenancy Contract?

A tenancy contract is a legally binding agreement between a landlord and a tenant outlining terms of rental, including rent amount, duration, responsibilities, and property usage.

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